Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Advanced Photoshop CS3 Trickery amp and FX

Advanced Photoshop CS3 Trickery amp and FX ebook

What is art? What makes someone an artist? Is a computer a
valid art tool? Is a computer an incredible art tool? What’s
your favorite color?
Tough questions? For some. For Stephen Burns, one of the hardest
working artists, instructors, inspirers I have the pleasure of knowing,
they are moot (all except the “What’s your favorite color?” one, he’s

pretty uncommitted on that issue).

In these pages you’ll follow Stephen along on many different artistic
journeys—each one geared to giving you the advanced Photoshop CS3
“trickery” needed to create your own visions, often out of thin air. This
intensive nuts-and-bolts instruction into our beloved Photoshop is combined
with Stephen’s artistic insights into light and color, composition
and eye flow, and (among other things) the need for maintaining synchronistic
spontaneity as part of the creative process, especially within
the often left-brained art studio of the computer

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