Friday, August 5, 2016

Webster's New World Hacker Dictionary

Webster's New World Hacker Dictionary ebook

This book attempts to take a novel approach to the 
presentation and understanding of a controversial
topic in modern-day society: hacking versus cracking.
The perception of this bimodal activity is as
controversial as the process itself—with many in society 
confusing the positive attributes of hackers
with the criminal activities of crackers.This dictionary tries 
to balance the two sides of the equation:
the White Hat or the positive side of hacking with the 
Black Hat or the negative side of cracking.
This dictionary is written for general readers,students 
who want to learn about hackers and crack-
ers,and business leaders who want to become more 
knowledgeable about the IT security field to keep
their enterprises financially stable and to be proactive 
against intrusive cyber-attackers.

File Size:5.58

Gray Hat Hacking and Complete Guide to Hacking

Gray Hat Hacking and Complete Guide to Hacking ebook

The goal of this book is to help produce more highly skilled security professionals
who are dedicated to protecting against malicious hacking activity. It has been proven
over and over again that it is important to understand one’s enemies,including their tac-
tics, skills, tools, and motivations. Corporations and nations have enemies that are very
dedicated and talented. We must work together to understand the enemies’ processes
and procedures to ensure that we can properly thwart their destructive and malicious

File Size:12.55MB

Dangerours Google searching for secret

Dangerours Google searching for secret ebook

What You Will Learn...
• how to use Google to find sources of personal
information and other confidential data,
• how to find information about vulnerable sys-
tems and Web services,
• how to locate publicly available network de-
vices using Google.
What You Should Know...
• how to use a Web browser,
• basic rules of operation of the HTTP protocol.

File Size:2.11MB

Computer Viruses, Hacking and Malware attacks for Dummies

Computer Viruses, Hacking and Malware attacks for Dummies ebook

About This Book
Computer Viruses For Dummies is a reference book, not (believe
it or not) a mystery; you don’t have to read the chapters in
order. Start anywhere you like. Feel free to skip chapters that
aren’t of immediate interest. Want to start at the last page?
You’re the boss; everybody knows who done it anyway — that
sinister virus.

File Size:2.62MB

501 Website Hacking Secrets

501 Website Hacking Secrets ebook

About This Book
What kind of secrets are included in 501 Web Site Secrets? Well, there’s parts of
a site you didn’t know existed. Or ways to use the site that you weren’t aware
of. Or special commands that help you get even more out of the site than you
could before. Cool stuff like that—and more.
That’s the nature of a secret—something that most users don’t know about, but
would get a kick out of if they did. These are the kinds of things that will make
you say to yourself, “That’s cool—I didn’t know you could do that!” And then
you’ll want to go directly to the site to try the secret out for yourself.
 (Go ahead; it’s allowed.)
Of course, not all 501 secrets in this book will be new to you. If you’re Internet-
savvy at all, you’ll probably know some of what I reveal in these pages. That’s
okay; it only means that you’re on your toes. I’m sure, however, that you’ll find
more than a few secrets you didn’t know, and that they’ll make this book a
worthwhile read for you.
To be fair, many of these secrets are hidden in plain sight. There are few secrets
in this book that are deliberately concealed from the general public. Most so-
called secrets are things that are there if you look for them—and if you know
where to look. You can discover lots of secrets on your own just by clicking all
the links on all the pages of your favorite sites and poring over every single
page of the site’s help system. The sad fact is, most users never get beyond a

site’s home page—and there aren’t too many secrets there!

File Size:15.63MB

Hackers High School 13 Complete Hacking E-books

Hackers High School 13 Complete Hacking E-books

This program is designed to encourage you to
be well-rounded and resourceful. The core instruction theme is to harness the hacker curiosity in you and to guide you progressively through your hacker education to help you grow into a responsible role, capable of determining security and privacy problems and making propersecurity decisions for yourself.

File Size:3.83MB

Internet Advanced Denial of Service (DDOS) Attack

Internet Advanced Denial of Service (DDOS) Attack ebook

This book is timely and written by an ideal author team. It is crucial to understand the world as currently deployed, and it is also crucial to look to the future. This author team provides expertise along the whole range. David Dittrich, of the University of Washington's Information School and the Center for Information Assurance and Cybersecurity, is one of the foremost frontline DDoS fighters today, and indeed, an "I'm feeling lucky" Google search for DDoS brings up the DDoS page that he maintains.

File Size:2.04MB

CCIE Professional Development Series Network Security Technologies and Solutions

  CCIE Professional Development Series Network Security Technologies and Solutions

Network Security Technologies and Solutions is a comprehensive, all-in-one reference for managing Cisco networks. It was written to help network security professionals understand and implement current, state-of-the-art network security technologies and solutions. Whether you are an expert in networking and security or a novice, this book is a valuable resource.

File Size:25.96MB

Web Services Web Services Hacking and Hardening

Hardening of Web Services will have some focus on technologies
like those Layer 7 Technologies provides. Layer 7’s product will
be used as an example in this portion of the presentation.

File Size:574.81KB

The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook

The Web Application Hacker’s Handbook ebook

This book is a practical guide to discovering and exploiting security flaws in
web applications. By “web application” we mean an application that is accessed
by using a web browser to communicate with a web server. We examine a wide
variety of different technologies, such as databases, file systems, and web ser-
vices, but only in the context in which these are employed by web applications.
If you want to learn how to run port scans, attack firewalls, or break into
servers in other ways, we suggest you look elsewhere. But if you want to know
how to hack into a web application, steal sensitive data, and perform unau-
thorized actions, then this is the book for you. There is enough that is interest-

ing and fun to say on that subject without straying into any other territory.

File Size:5.76MB

The Hacker’s Underground Handbook

The Hacker’s Underground Handbook ebook

By reading this eBook, you have taken your first step
in the exciting process of becoming a Master Hacker. The knowledge you acquire
from this eBook can be put to use in many ways:
• With the ability to think like a hacker, you’ll be able to protect yourself
from hackers attacking you.
• You may wish to seek a career in Ethical Hacking – Usually hired by an
organization, an ethical hacker uses the same tools and techniques as a
hacker to find and secure vulnerabilities in computer systems.
• Show off your newfound skills to your friends, and just hack because you
want to. It’s FUN!!

File Size:2.51MB

Social Engineering

Social Engineering, according to Mitnick, is the use of influence
 and persuasion to deceive people into
divulging information . While Mitnick was the first to coin 
the term, the art of social engineering itself is
nothing new; in a crude example, International Intelligence
 claims that social engineering started “way
back in time when man started to lie to woman.”
However, the art of social engineering has enjoyed a
strong resurgence due to the low cost of attacks, anonymity
 of electronic communication and the ease of

researching potential targets thanks to the popularity or 
email and social engineering sites.

File Size:1.03MB

Secret of Reverse Engineer

Secret of Reverse Engineer ebook

In the software world reverse engineering boils down to taking an existing
program for which source-code or proper documentation is not available and
attempting to recover details regarding its’ design and implementation. In
some cases source code is available but the original developers who created it
are unavailable. This book deals specifically with what is commonly referred
to as binary reverse engineering. Binary reverse engineering techniques aim at
extracting valuable information from programs for which source code in
unavailable. In some cases it is possible to recover the actual source-code (or a
similar high-level representation) from the program binaries, which greatly
simplifies the task because reading code presented in a high-level language is
far easier than reading low-level assembly language code. In other cases we
end up with a fairly cryptic assembly language listing that describes the pro-
gram. This book explains this process and why things work this way, while
describing in detail how to decipher the program’s code in a variety of differ-
ent environments.

File Size:8.54MB



This book will show you various methods you can use to break into computer systems.
In some ways this is harder to do than it used to be. Nowadays people are more
strict, more cau-tious about security. That's how it seems, anyway. But there are
plenty of holes still left in any sys-tem's armor. System managers can tighten up
com-puter security as much as they want but there will always be ways to get
around their efforts. Re-member the first rule of hacking: Whatever a . hu-man
mind can achieve, another can also achieve. Whatever one mind can hide, another
can discover. People tend to think and act alike, and it is this sameness of thought
that you, the hacker, will exploit.

File Size:1.88MB

Hack Attack Examples and Testing

Hack Attack Examples and Testing ebook

This book is written to explain how you can perform your own security audits. It 
contains beginner to advanced uses for which no experience with the tools is necessary. It
is intended as a required guide not only for managers, security engineers, network
administrators, network engineers, and internet working engineers but for interested
laypeople as well

File Size:9.56Mb

Hacking Secrets Revealed

Hacking Secrets Revealed ebook
 This manual is a guide. To show you how hackers gain access to your system using security flaws and programs. The theory goes that if you are aware of what they are doing and how
they are doing it you’ll be in a much better position to protect yourself from these attacks.
(Through out this manual you will see reference to the term “Hacker.” This is a term I use very loosely for these individuals.) These are just a few of the topics that will be covered:

• How “hackers” get into your system
• What tools they use

• How a hacker can effectively “Bug” your house via your
computer. (Don’t believe me, read on you’ll be very

• What information they have access to. And why you
should try to protect yourself. (You might be surprised to
find out what they know.)

• Tips and tricks that hackers use

• How your Antivirus software alone is not enough

• What to look for if you suspect you’re being hacked

• What the greatest flaw to all computers are

• And more…

File size:493Kb

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Learn C++ Programing in 21 days - Perfect C++ Guide

 Learn C++ Programing in 21 days - Perfect C++ Guide ebook

You don't need any previous experience in programming 
to learn C++ with this book. This book starts
you from the beginning and teaches you both the language 
and the  concepts involved with
programming C++. You'll find the numerous examples 
of syntax  and detailed analysis of code an
excellent guide as you begin your journey into this rewarding 
environment. Whether you are just
beginning or already have some experience programming, 
you will find  that this book's clear
organization makes learning C++ fast and easy.

File Size:1.67
Download  Learn C++ Programing in 21 days - Perfect C++ Guide

Guide to Cyber Security

Guide to Cyber Security ebook

A must-have, hands-on guide for working in the cybersecurity profession.

Cybersecurity involves preventative methods to protect information from attacks. It requires a thorough understanding of potential threats, such as viruses and other malicious code, as well as system vulnerability and security architecture. This essential book addresses cybersecurity strategies that include identity management, risk management, and incident management, and also serves as a detailed guide for anyone looking to enter the security profession. Doubling as the text for a cybersecurity course, it is also a useful reference for cybersecurity testing, IT test/development, and system/network administration.

Covers everything from basic network administration security skills through advanced command line scripting, tool customization, and log analysis skills
Dives deeper into such intense topics as wireshark/tcpdump filtering, Google hacks, Windows/Linux scripting, Metasploit command line, and tool customizations
Delves into network administration for Windows, Linux, and VMware
Examines penetration testing, cyber investigations, firewall configuration, and security tool customization
Shares techniques for cybersecurity testing, planning, and reporting

Cybersecurity: Managing Systems, Conducting Testing, and Investigating Intrusions is a comprehensive and authoritative look at the critical topic of cybersecurity from start to finish.

File Size:5.95MB

Mastering Enterprise Java Beans 3rd Edition

Mastering Enterprise Java Beans 3rd Edition ebooks

This book is a tutorial on Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB). It`s about EJB concepts,
methodology, and development. This book also contains a number of advanced EJB topics,
giving you a practical and real world understating of the subject. By reading this book you will acquire a deep understanding of EJB.

File Size:8.79MB

Wiley Upgrading & Fixing PC's For Dummies 7th Edition 2007

Wiley Upgrading & Fixing PC's For Dummies 7th Edition 2007 ebook

This book discusses the most common upgrading and repair
problems facing computer users today. It explains what to buy, where to plug
it in, and how to make sure that your computer knows what to do with it.

File Size:13.90MB
Download Wiley Upgrading & Fixing PC's For Dummies 7th Edition 2007

Wiley Troubleshooting Your PC for Dummies 2nd Edition 2005

Wiley Troubleshooting Your PC for Dummies 2nd Edition 2005 ebook

This is a problem-solving book. After all, if every problem mentioned in this
book were to land on a computer at one time, even I would toss the thing out
the window and take up yodeling or log rolling instead. The idea here is simple:

You have a problem, and you look up the solution.

File Size:4.53MB
Download Wiley Troubleshooting Your PC for Dummies 2nd Edition 2005

Wiley PC's All-In-One For Dummies 6th Edition 2013

Wiley PC's All-In-One For Dummies 6th Edition 2013 ebook

Each of the nine minibooks in this desk reference squarely addresses a spe-
cific topic, and there’s no need to read this whole book in a front-to-back
fashion. You certainly can, if you like, but it’s not necessary. Instead, each
minibook (and on a lower level, each individual chapter) is self-contained.
That is, you can jump from chapter to chapter to pursue information about
what you’re working on right now — happy in the knowledge that when
you decide to invest in an external hard drive (or a scanner or a memory
upgrade) and you need help with installation, it’s covered!

File Size:29MB
Download Wiley PC's All-In-One For Dummies 6th Edition 2013!

Wiley Networking For Dummies 9th Edition 2010

Wiley Networking For Dummies 9th Edition 2010 ebook

This isn’t the kind of book you pick up and read from start to finish, as if it
were a cheap novel. If I ever see you reading it at the beach, I’ll kick sand in
your face. This book is more like a reference, the kind of book you can pick
up, turn to just about any page, and start reading. It has 30 chapters, each
one covering a specific aspect of networking — such as printing on the net-
work, hooking up network cables, or setting up security so that bad guys
can’t break in. Just turn to the chapter you’re interested in and start reading.

File Size:6.04MB

Wiley Do-It-Yourself Upgrading and Fixing Computers For Dummies 2010

Wiley Do-It-Yourself Upgrading and Fixing Computers For Dummies 2010 ebook

Upgrading and Fixing Computers Do-It-Yourself For Dummies. Aimed
at people who want to upgrade to Windows 7 or prepare their computers for the
latest technology, this book walks you through several tasks:
✓ Step-by-step tasks walk you through installation and repair chores, with a
photo or illustration at almost every step.
✓ A new emphasis on how to find and choose the right part for your computer.
✓ An updated visual appendix that explains how to recognize all the ports on
your computer and add any ports you may need.
✓ A network installation guide in Chapter 15 helps you configure a network with
both wired and wireless devices.
✓ Chapter 18 provides details on installing or upgrading to Windows 7 — even
onto a newly upgraded hard drive.
✓ Computer parts need drivers — special software that helps Windows
understand how to talk with them. Without a proper driver, Windows 7 can’t
talk to some parts of your computer. Chapter 17 explains when you need new

drivers, where to find them, and how to install them successfully.

File Size:9.62MB
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Wiley Do-It-Yourself Build Your Own PC For Dummies 2009

You’ll find that each chapter in this book acts as a reference for each type of com- puter hardware that you can add to your computer; some are required components, and others are optional devices that add extra functionality to your PC. You can start at any point each chapter is self-contained. The book also includes a glossary of computer terms and an appendix about what’s on the DVD in the back of this book. 

Each chapter also provides the general information you need to make a buying decision between different flavors of the same component. For example, in Chapter 10, I discuss both bare-bones and advanced sound cards (without resorting to engineer- speak). If you’re interested in buying and installing a particular component, such as a DVD drive or a video adapter card, you can jump directly to the chapter that describes the device and start reading. 

Most chapters end with general instructions that familiarize you with the installation process. (They don’t replace the specific documentation that accompanies each component, although the generic steps that I provide give you an idea of what’s involved.) On the other hand, if you’re interested in building a computer from scratch, start with Chapter 1 and follow the chapters in order; you can also skip to other chapters whenever necessary for information that you might need.

File Size:6.17MB
Download Wiley Do-It-Yourself Build Your Own PC For Dummies 2009


Upgrading and Repairing PCs focuses on several objectives. The primary objective is to help you learn how to maintain, upgrade, and troubleshoot your PC system. To that end, Upgrading and Repairing PCs helps you fully understand the family of computers that has grown from the original IBM PC, including all PC-compatible systems. This book discusses all areas of system improvement, such as motherboards, processors, memory, and even case and power supply improvements. It covers proper system and component care, specifies the most failure-prone items in various PC systems, and tells you how to locate and identify a failing component. You’ll learn about powerful diagnostics hardware and software that enable a system to help you determine the cause of a problem and how to repair it. 

As always, PCs are moving forward rapidly in power and capabilities. Processor performance increases with every new chip design. Upgrading and Repairing PCs helps you gain an understanding of all the processors used in PC-compatible computer systems. 

This book covers the important differences between major system architectures, from the original Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) to the latest PCI Express interface standards. Upgrading and Repairing PCs covers each of these system architectures and their adapter boards to help you make decisions about which type of system you want to buy in the future and to help you upgrade and troubleshoot such systems.

File Size:19.56MB
Download Upgrading.And.Repairing.PC's.20th.Edition.2011


O'Reilly.Troubleshooting.Windows.7.Inside.Out ebook

Upgrading and Repairing PCs focuses on several objectives. The primary objective is to help you learn how to maintain, upgrade, and troubleshoot your PC system. To that end, Upgrading and Repairing PCs helps you fully understand the family of computers that has grown from the original IBM PC, including all PC-compatible systems. This book discusses all areas of system improvement, such as motherboards, processors, memory, and even case and power-supply improvements. It covers proper system and component care, specifies the most failure-prone items in various PC systems, and tells you how to locate and identify a failing component. You’ll learn about powerful diagnostics hardware and software that enable a system to help you determine the cause of a problem and how to repair it.

File Size:22.19MB


Mike.Meyers' ebook

This eBook contains more than 130 labs that challenge you to solve real-world problems with key concepts. Clear, measurable lab objectives map to certification exam objectives, ensuring direct correspondence to Mike Meyers’ CompTIA A+ Guide to Managing and Troubleshooting PCs, Fourth Edition. Lab solutions are only available to instructors and are not printed inside the book.

File Size:11.94MB

Tuesday, August 2, 2016