Saturday, August 27, 2016

Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Study Guide

Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Study Guide Ebook
Sun Certified Programmer for Java 6 Study Guide book is organized in such a way as to serve as an in-depth review for the Sun Certified Programmer for both the Java 6 and Java 5 exams, for experienced Java professionals and those in the early stages of experience with Java technologies. Each chapter covers at least one major aspect of the exam, with an emphasis on the "why" as well as the "how to" of programming in the Java language.

You will not find a beginner's guide to learning Java in this book. All 800 pages of this book are dedicated solely to helping you pass the exams. If you are brand new to Java, we suggest you spend a little time learning the basics. You shouldn't start with this book until you know how to write, compile, and run simple Java programs. This book do not, however, assume any level of prior knowledge of the individual topics covered. In other words, for any given topic (driven exclusively by the actual exam objectives), we start with the assumption that you are new to that topic. So we assume you're new to the individual topics, but we assume that you are not new to Java.

File size:2.97MB

Java The Complete Reference 7TH Edition

Java - The Complete Reference 7TH Edition Ebook

Java - The Complete Reference 7TH Edition book is for all programmers, whether you are a novice or an experienced pro. The beginner will find its carefully paced discussions and many examples especially helpful. Its in-depth coverage of Java’s more advanced features and libraries will appeal to the pro. For both, it offers a lasting resource and handy reference.

Java - The Complete Reference 7TH Edition book is a comprehensive guide to the Java language, describing its syntax, keywords, and fundamental programming principles. Significant portions of the Java API library are also examined. The book is divided into four parts, each focusing on a different aspect of the Java programming environment..

File size: 6.38MB

Teach Your Self Java Programming In 21 Days

Teach Your Self Java Programming In 21 Days Ebook

Teach Your Self Java Programming In 21 Days -This book teaches you all about the Java language and how to use it to create not only applets, but also applications, which are more general Java programs that don’t need to run inside a Web browser. By the time you get through with this book, you’ll know enough about Java to do just about anything, inside an applet or out.

Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days is intended for people with at least some basic programming background—which includes people with years of programming experience and people with only a small amount of experience. If you understand what variables, loops, and functions are, you’ll be just fine for this book. The sorts of people who might want to read this book include you, if one or more of the following is true:

1.  You’re a real whiz at HTML, understand CGI programming (in perl, AppleScript,
Visual Basic, or some other popular CGI language) pretty well, and want to move
onto the next level in Web page design.

2.You had some Basic or Pascal in school, you’ve got a basic grasp of what programming
is, but you’ve heard Java is easy to learn, really powerful, and very cool.

3.You’ve programmed C and C++ for many years, you’ve heard this Java thing is
becoming really popular, and you’re wondering what all the fuss is all about.

4.You’ve heard that Java is really good for Web-based applets, and you’re curious about
how good it is for creating more general applications.

What if you know programming, but you don’t know object-oriented programming? Fear not. Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days assumes no background in object-oriented design. If you know object-oriented programming, the first couple of days will be easy for you.

What if you’re a rank beginner? This book might move a little fast for you. Java is a good language to start with, though, and if you take it slow and work through all the examples, you may still be able to pick up Java and start creating your own applets.

File size:5.76MB

Upgrading and repairing Laptops

Upgrading and repairing Laptops Ebook

Upgrading and repairing Laptops - In this book, you will learn about all the components that make up a modern laptop or notebook computer, which components are based on industry standards and which are proprietary, and which components can easily be upgraded or replaced. As most of you know, laptops are more expensive than desktops, so whereas desktop computers are becoming more and more of a commodity, laptops are still somewhat exclusive. They are more difficult to work on, and the components are smaller and more expensive. All of this contributes to upgrades and repairs that are more expensive overall.

From the perspective of a computer technician or support person working in the industry, knowing how to upgrade and repair laptop computers gives you a significant edge over others in the industry who are afraid to open laptop systems. They can be daunting. Many of the laptops on the market today are held together by upwards of 100 screws, often consisting of several different types! They also often include many intricately assembled plastic parts that can easily break or be damaged if you don't take them apart properly. The benefit is that as a repair technician, you can charge more for laptop service and repair, which gives you another edge over other technicians who can only work on commodity-level desktop systems.

Pages:HTML file type
File size: 8.48MB

USB Complete - Everything You Need to Develop Custom USB Peripherals

USB Complete - Everything You Need to Develop Custom USB Peripherals ebook

If you want to know how to design a USB peripheral then this book is for you,
or if you want to know how to communicate with USB peripherals from the
applications you write. These are some of questions the book answers:

• What is USB and how do peripherals use it to communicate with PCs?
There's a lot to the USB interface. Learning about it can be daunting at
first. This book's focus is on the practical knowledge you'll need to com-
plete your project.

• How can I decide if my project should use a USB interface? Maybe your
design isn't suited for USB. I'll show you how to decide whether it is. If
the answer is yes, I'll help you decide which of USB's speeds and transfer
types to use.

• How do I choose a USB controller chip for my peripheral design? Every USB
peripheral must contain an intelligent controller. There are dozens of
controller chips designed for use in USB peripherals. In this book, I com-
pare popular chip families and offer tips on how to decide, based on both
your projects needs and your own background and preferences.

• How do applications communicate with USB peripherals? To communicate
with a USB peripheral, a PC needs two things: a device driver that knows
how to communicate with the PC's USB drivers and an application that
knows how to talk to the device driver. Some peripherals can use drivers
that are built into Windows. Others may require a custom driver. This
book will show you when you can use Windows' built-in drivers and how
to communicate with devices from Visual Basic and Visual C++ applica-
tions. You'll also find out what's involved in writing a device driver and
what tools can help to speed up the process.

• How do USB peripherals communicate? USB peripherals typically use a
combination of hardware and embedded code to communicate with
PCs. In this book, I show how to write the code that enables Windows to
identify a device and load the appropriate device driver, as well as the
code required for exchanging data with applications.

• How do I decide whether my peripheral can use bus power, or whether it
needs its own supply? A. big advantage to USB is that many peripherals can
be powered entirely from the bus. Find out whether your device can use
this capability and how to manage power use, especially for devices that
use battery power.

• How can I be sure that my device will operate as smoothly as possible for its
end users? On the peripheral side, smooth operation requires understand-
ing the specification's requirements and how the device can meet them.
In the PC, proper operation requires a correctly structured information
(INF) file that enables Windows to identify the device and software that
knows how to communicate with the device as efficiently as possible.
This book has information and examples to help with each of these.

File size:3.59MB

Computing for the Older and Wiser

Computing for the Older and Wiser Ebook

Computing for the Older and Wiser book is designed for people who want straightforward instructions in the use of their home computer. There are no unexplained acronyms, such as SCSI, RAM or URL, no unintelligible ‘computerspeak’ of megahertz, advanced resource management systems or graphics card drivers, and certainly no mean- ingless jargon.

The content of the book is directed solely at PC users working with either Win-
dows Vista Home Premium or Windows XP operating systems. Mac users are not
catered for – sorry.

File size:

Java 2 The Complete Reference 5fth Edition

Java 2 The Complete Reference 5fth Edition Ebook
Java 2 The Complete Reference 5fth Edition covers all aspects of the 
Java programming language. Part 1 presents an
in-depth tutorial of the Java language. It begins with the basics, including such things
as data types, control statements, and classes. Part 1 also discusses Java’s
exception-handling mechanism, multithreading subsystem, packages, and interfaces.
Part 2 examines the standard Java library. As you will learn, much of Java’s power
is found in its library. Topics include strings, I/O, networking, the standard utilities,
the Collections Framework, applets, GUI-based controls, and imaging.
Part 3 looks at some issues relating to the Java development environment, including
an overview of Java Beans, Servlets, and Swing.
Part 4 presents a number of high-powered Java applets that serve as extended
examples of the way Java can be applied. The final applet, called Scrabblet, is a complete,
multiuser networked game. It shows how to handle some of the toughest issues involved
in Web-based programming.

File size:11.79

PHP 6 Fast and Easy Website Development

PHP 6 Fast and Easy Development Ebook

PHP 6 Fast and Easy Web Development -  is a step-by-step, learn-by-example path to learning a new programming language with pictures included! Unlike the verbose text-only chapters found in most programming books, the Fast & Easy Web Development style appeals to users who are new to PHP, and especially to programming in general.

In this edition, some chapters have been added to provide additional projects for practicing your new skills, and also to account for new elements present in version 6 of PHP. After completing this book, you will have a strong foundation in the basics of Web-based technologies and application design, and will be prepared to learn more advanced topics and programming methodologies.

File size:7.58MB

JAVA for Programmers

JAVA for Programmers ebook
JAVA for Programmers Written for programmers with a background in high-level language programming, this book applies the Deitel signature live-code approach to teaching programming and explores the Java language and Java APIs in depth. JAVA for Programmers book presents the concepts in the context of fully tested programs, complete with syntax shading, code highlighting, line-by-line code descriptions and program outputs. The book features 220 Java applications with over 18,000 lines of proven Java code, and hundreds of tips that will help you build robust applications.

Start with an introduction to Java using an early classes and objects approach, then rapidly move on to more advanced topics, including GUI, graphics, exception handling, generics, collections, JDBC™, web-application development with JavaServer™ Faces, web services and more. You'll enjoy the Deitels' classic treatment of object- oriented programming and the OOD/UML ® ATM case study, including a complete Java implementation. When you're finished, you'll have everything you need to build object-oriented Java applications.

File size: 15.16MB

Professional iPhone and iPod touch Programming

iPhone and iPod touch Programming Ebook

Professional iPhone and iPod touch Programming: Building Applications for Mobile Safari ™ covers the various aspects of developing Web - based applications for the iPhone and iPod touch environments. Specifically, you will discover how to create a mobile application from the ground up, utilize existing open-source libraries in your code, emulate the look and feel of built - in Apple applications, capture finger - touch interactions, using AJAX to load external pages, and optimize applications for Wi - Fi and the EDGE network

Whom This Book Is For 
Professional iPhone and iPod touch Programming book is aimed primarily at Web developers already experienced in Web 2.0 technologies who want to build new applications for iPhone and iPod touch or migrate existing Web apps to this new platform. Readers should have a working knowledge of the following technologies: 
CSS JavaScript 

File Size:6.75MB




As the National Technical Committee Chairman for the Precision Machining Technology portion of the Skills USA-VICA championships. I get to see students of varying levels of competence compete each year. Each year my Industry committee works very hard to design a competition that is challenging but fair. Since both Secondary and Post-Secondary students compete at the Nationals, the level of difficulty is always a topic of discussion. Of major concern are the low scores in the CNC programming sections of this national competition. Only basic CNC programming skills are required to complete these portions of the competition. However, the scores indicate that too many competitors do not have these basic skills. Because the committee feels a responsibility to help educators provide this basic knowledge to students interested in manufacturing technology, the committee suggested that this booklet be furnished to all Skills USA-VICA State Directors and all instructors with a machining curriculum in that state.

File Size:1.19MB

Friday, August 26, 2016

DLL Suite Multilingual Crack + Portable

DLL Suite is an advanced DLL files fixer that permits its user to recover/fix .dll missing errors, repair .sys BSOD (blue screen of death), delete .exe virus, and download missing DLL files for free for all version of Windows OS(operating system), for both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows platform.

DLL Suite

Some Features DLL Suite
- Enable to Fix, download and install all DLL files in just one click.
-Enable to Fix .dll is missing
-Delete .exe virus
- Enable to Speed up PC slow performance.
- Repair .sys  BSOD (blue screen of death)
- Fix DLL runtime, startup, system32, ActiveX and registry errors.

DLL Suite crack screen shot

Installation Instruction:

1.Disable Internet Connection
2.Install DLL Suite as trial
3.After the installation don't run the app exit or close if running
4.Copy the crack file to installation directory and replace the original
5.Done Enjoy

Supported Operating System:Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (x86/64)
File Size:22MB
Portable Version
File Size:13MB

Beginning the Linux Command Line

Beginning the Linux Command Line ebook

Beginning the Linux Command Line is a book is for anyone who wants to master Linux from the command line. for enthusiastic users who want to get things going from the Linux command line. For beginning users, this may be a daunting task, as Linux commands often have many options documented only in main pages that are not that easy to understand.

File size:1.74MB

Beginning T-SQL with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008

Beginning T-SQL with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008 ebook

Beginning T-SQL with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and 2008 is a book introduces the T - SQL language and its many uses, and serves as a comprehensive guide for a beginner through intermediate level.Beginning T-SQL with Microsoft SQL Server  goal was to cover all the basics thoroughly and to cover the most common applications of T - SQL at a deeper level. Depending on your role and skill level, this book will serve as a companion to the other Wrox books in the Microsoft SQL Server Beginning and Professional series. Check the back cover of this book for a road map of other complementary books in the Wrox series.

1.How T - SQL provides you with the means to create tools for managing 
databases of different size, scope, and purpose

2.Various programming techniques that use views, user - defined functions, 
and stored procedures

3.Ways to optimize query performance
4.How to create databases that will be an essential foundation to applications
 you develop later

File Size:13.79

PowerISO 6.5 Full + Crack

PowerISO is a very well known application used for creating CD and DVD images. Power ISO newest release will also provide file compression and decompression. It also supports virtually all image file formats, eg: ISO, MDF, BIN, CDI, DAA, IMA. PowerISO 6.5 full + crack will effortlessly burn, create, split, compress, decompress, merge and mount images, and also let you translate them to other popular formats. Furthermore, you can also make virtual drives, so you can rapidly mount your images, and they will autorun. This is particularly valuable for mounting image file formats software that ordinarily come in DVD, without the requirement for the genuine DVD or CD.

PowerISO 6.5 Full + Keygen

Some Features of PowerISO 6.5

1. Ability to create and modify (ISO, BIN, NRG, CDI, DAA)
2. Effortlessly open and extract ISO file.
3. Burn ISO software format to USB, CD, DVD, or Blu-Ray disc.
4. Ability to create up to 6 virtual drives, that you can use to mount ISO files.
5. Rip Audio CD to MP3, FLAC, APE, WMA, or BIN files. 
6. Create bootable USB drive.
7. Make bootable ISO file and create bootable CD, DVD disc.
8. multilingual support

Note:File contains PowerISO 6.5 Full + Keygen and installation instruction

Supported Operating System:Windows XP, Vista/7/8/10
File Size:3MB
Download links
64 bit

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Latest Camtasia Studio with crack

Camtasia Studio 8 - Lets you create professional quality videos with powerful screen recording and video editing tools.Camtasia Studio  8 software also provides you with the tools to record your computer screen, then edit those recordings into amazing creative videos. Camtasia Studio 8 also  allows you to share your created videos directly to YouTube, Google Drive, and Screencast. Camtasia Studio gives a decent list of capabilities inside a liquid interface, which you will discover simple to explore. The application permits you to record either the screen or a PowerPoint presentation. Once recorded, you can make use of the vast tools set to conclude your video and make it complete. tools include multiple transition options, voice narration, zoom and pan effects, cursor effects, caption and many other amazing features. Overall, Camtasia Studio is a fully comprehensive software for creating good looking, professional videos using screen capture. The user interface is simple to grasp and the feature set is more than average.

Camtasia Studio  8

Crack file Screenshot
Latest Camtasia Studio  8 activaor

Installation Instruction:
1.Install Camtasia Studio 8.
2.After Installation close and don't run the app
3. disable first your anti-virus and extract the crack file
4.Run the crack and click activate

Supported Operating System:Windows 7/8/10(x86/64)
File Size:249MB