Friday, August 5, 2016

Secret of Reverse Engineer

Secret of Reverse Engineer ebook

In the software world reverse engineering boils down to taking an existing
program for which source-code or proper documentation is not available and
attempting to recover details regarding its’ design and implementation. In
some cases source code is available but the original developers who created it
are unavailable. This book deals specifically with what is commonly referred
to as binary reverse engineering. Binary reverse engineering techniques aim at
extracting valuable information from programs for which source code in
unavailable. In some cases it is possible to recover the actual source-code (or a
similar high-level representation) from the program binaries, which greatly
simplifies the task because reading code presented in a high-level language is
far easier than reading low-level assembly language code. In other cases we
end up with a fairly cryptic assembly language listing that describes the pro-
gram. This book explains this process and why things work this way, while
describing in detail how to decipher the program’s code in a variety of differ-
ent environments.

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