Saturday, August 27, 2016

Teach Your Self Java Programming In 21 Days

Teach Your Self Java Programming In 21 Days Ebook

Teach Your Self Java Programming In 21 Days -This book teaches you all about the Java language and how to use it to create not only applets, but also applications, which are more general Java programs that don’t need to run inside a Web browser. By the time you get through with this book, you’ll know enough about Java to do just about anything, inside an applet or out.

Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days is intended for people with at least some basic programming background—which includes people with years of programming experience and people with only a small amount of experience. If you understand what variables, loops, and functions are, you’ll be just fine for this book. The sorts of people who might want to read this book include you, if one or more of the following is true:

1.  You’re a real whiz at HTML, understand CGI programming (in perl, AppleScript,
Visual Basic, or some other popular CGI language) pretty well, and want to move
onto the next level in Web page design.

2.You had some Basic or Pascal in school, you’ve got a basic grasp of what programming
is, but you’ve heard Java is easy to learn, really powerful, and very cool.

3.You’ve programmed C and C++ for many years, you’ve heard this Java thing is
becoming really popular, and you’re wondering what all the fuss is all about.

4.You’ve heard that Java is really good for Web-based applets, and you’re curious about
how good it is for creating more general applications.

What if you know programming, but you don’t know object-oriented programming? Fear not. Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days assumes no background in object-oriented design. If you know object-oriented programming, the first couple of days will be easy for you.

What if you’re a rank beginner? This book might move a little fast for you. Java is a good language to start with, though, and if you take it slow and work through all the examples, you may still be able to pick up Java and start creating your own applets.

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