Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Wiley Do-It-Yourself Build Your Own PC For Dummies 2009

You’ll find that each chapter in this book acts as a reference for each type of com- puter hardware that you can add to your computer; some are required components, and others are optional devices that add extra functionality to your PC. You can start at any point each chapter is self-contained. The book also includes a glossary of computer terms and an appendix about what’s on the DVD in the back of this book. 

Each chapter also provides the general information you need to make a buying decision between different flavors of the same component. For example, in Chapter 10, I discuss both bare-bones and advanced sound cards (without resorting to engineer- speak). If you’re interested in buying and installing a particular component, such as a DVD drive or a video adapter card, you can jump directly to the chapter that describes the device and start reading. 

Most chapters end with general instructions that familiarize you with the installation process. (They don’t replace the specific documentation that accompanies each component, although the generic steps that I provide give you an idea of what’s involved.) On the other hand, if you’re interested in building a computer from scratch, start with Chapter 1 and follow the chapters in order; you can also skip to other chapters whenever necessary for information that you might need.

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