Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Java RMI ebook

Java RMI ebook

Java RMI book covers an enormous amount of ground, starting with streams and sockets and working its way through the basics of building scalable client-server architectures using RMI.

Java RMI focuses on Java's Remote Method Invocation (RMI) framework. RMI is a robust and effective way to build distributed applications in which all the participating programs are written in Java. Because the designers of RMI assumed that all the participating programs would be written in Java, RMI is a surprisingly simple and easy framework to use. Not only is RMI useful for building distributed applications, it is an ideal environment for Java programmers learning how to build a distributed application.

In order to get the most out of this book, you will need a certain amount of experience with the Java programming language. You should be comfortable programming in Java; you should have a system with which you can experiment with the code examples (like many things, distributed programming is best learned by doing); you should be fairly comfortable with the basics of the JDK event model (in particular, many of the code examples are action listeners that have been added to a button); and you should be willing to make mistakes along the way.

Pages: 467
File size:2.28MB
Download Java RMI ebook


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