Thursday, September 1, 2016

Let Us C - C programming ebook

Let Us C - C programming ebook

There are two phases in every C programmer’s life. In the first, phase he is a learner trying to understand the language elements and their nuances. At this stage he wants a simple learning environment that helps him to master the language. Even today there isn’t any learning environment that can beat Turbo C/C++ for simplicity. Hence the first fifteen chapters are written keeping this environment in mind, though a majority of these programs in these chapters would work with any C compiler.

Armed with the knowledge of language elements the C programmer enters the second phase. Here he wishes to use all that he has learned to create programs that match the ability of programs that he sees in today’s world pointing towards programs in Windows and Linux world. Chapters 16 to 21 are devoted to this. You should be aware that the fact that if you want to program Windows or Linux you need to have a very good grasp over the programming model used by each of these OS. Windows messaging architecture and Linux signaling mechanism are the cases in point. Once you understand these thoroughly rest is just a matter of time. 

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